TVA – Visitor’s Center Closings

Due to the Coronavirus, TVA and BVI have decided to close the Raccoon Mountain Visitors Center effective today. The other three staffed centers (Fontana, Kentucky and Norris) which were scheduled to open on April 4 will not open. The shutdown is indefinite at this time; however TVA and BVI will periodically reevaluate the situation to determine when to reopen. The information meetings scheduled to train BVI volunteers in April and May are also cancelled.

Due to the Coronavirus, BVI and TVA have decided to shut down the Raccoon Mountain Visitors Center effective today, 3/13/2020. The other three staffed centers (Fontana, Kentucky, and Norris) which were scheduled to open on April 4 will not open. The shutdown will be indefinite at this time; however, TVA and BVI will periodically reevaluate the situation to determine when to reopen. The information meetings scheduled to train BVI volunteers in April and May are also cancelled.

We regret having to do this but in the interest of public health and in an effort to protect our volunteers, it is the best course of action. TVA has established a Coronavirus team, and they have issued a set of guidelines. The guidelines call for a minimization of visitors to TVA facilities. They also call for group meetings to involve no more than 10 people. After reviewing these guidelines, it was clear that closing the visitor centers and cancelling the information meetings are the best course of action.