Just what is a volunteer? Click HERE to find out (in simple terms)
Message from Valleywide Volunteer Coordinator, Reny McClain-Lee
Do you feel better after helping someone? Of course. Do you like being part of a team having fun while working together? Yes again. Is there an opportunity to do so right under your nose? Maybe so. You can join fellow TVA retirees to help make life better for others in your community. The types of projects vary and some will fit your skills and interests. On this website, view some of the projects and activities that have engaged our retirees via the TVARA Valleywide Volunteer Program. These efforts reach across 20 TVARA Chapters and give members the opportunity to join fellow retirees and others in their community to volunteer and make a difference. Workers can volunteer for a few hours, a day or whatever their schedule allows.
Why volunteer? Everyone has talents and yours are needed. It is rewarding to help others but you benefit also. Find new friends, learn new skills, improve your mental and physical health and provide a sense of purpose all the while increasing your happiness. An added benefit is the increased presence and recognition of TVA retirees for their many valuable contributions. I invite you to stay Informed on projects and activities by way of TVARA emails, newsletter articles and the Volunteer page of this website.
Have an idea, suggestion or comment? Please contact your local Chapter President (go to Chapter menu item at top of page and select your local chapter) or the Valleywide Volunteer Coordinator, Reny McClain-Lee at renymlee@gmail.com.
Volunteer Opportunities
Chattanooga: Ramp Projects
Cleveland: Ramp Projects
Florida: Ramp Projects
Gallatin: 4-H Project
Johnsonville: Ramp Projects
Knoxville: Garden Project
Knoxville: Legacy Parks Foundation
Knoxville: TVA Oral History
Knoxville: UT Medical Center “Cuddler” Positions
Muscle Shoals: Garden Seed Project
BVI: Serve as ambassadors at TVA’s Raccoon Mtn., Fontana Dam, Norris Dam and Kentucky Dam visitor centers
View Completed Volunteer Activities
Click below to view the volunteer efforts that are completed.
Chattanooga: Ramps Completed
Cleveland: Ramps Completed
Florida: Ramps Completed
Johnsonville: Ramps Completed (local chapter’s site)
Knoxville: Casting for Recovery on the Clinch River
Knoxville: MUSE Robotics Revolution
Knoxville: Norris Dam 80th Celebration
Knoxville: Renovation of Oak Grove School
Knoxville: Sevierville Trailer Rebuild
Knoxville: Smoky Mtn. Regional Robotics
Knoxville: TVA Exhibit at Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge
Muscle Shoals: Garden Seed Project
Paradise: Lake Malone Trail Bridges
Paradise: Rochester Ball Park Lighting Project
Watts Bar: Kids Fishing Rodeo
Making a Difference in Our Community
Click here to see who’s making a difference.
We want to hear from our retirees about their individual volunteer efforts.
Retirees can submit their information to:
Reny McClain-Lee at renymlee@gmail.com or
Tica Hayes at ticahayes@gmail.com
TVARA Chapter's Activities
Click here to see what’s happening around the valley.