Medicare Advantage Plan Story Part 1

Medicare Advantage Plan Story Part 1

A Cautionary Tale (or Adventures with a Medicare Advantage HMO Plan) By TOM SWANSON, Chair, TVARA Healthcare Committee So my mother-in-law aged into Medicare in 1993 before the creation of Advantage plans. Sometime later she was convinced (I am sure by the...
Medicare Advantage Plan Story Part 2

Medicare Advantage Plan Story Part 2

A Second Cautionary Tale (or Additional Adventures with a Medicare Advantage HMO Plan)By TOM SWANSON, Chair, TVARA Healthcare Committee For those of you new to my adventure in attempting to help my mother-in-law navigate the world of Medicare Advantage Health...


This paper covers the following topics in order: Original Medicare Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) Medicare CostsOriginal MedicareMedicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) Medicare Advantage Plan Medicare Supplement Plan (Medigap) Pricing Methods Switching Plans...