Huntsville Chapter

Huntsville TVARA Chapter volunteer program continues with food donations to The North Alabama Food Bank.
Ten Huntsville TVARA Chapter volunteers participate in AARP 55 Alive defensive driving course taught by volunteer member Dave Dharia.
Three Huntsville TVARA Chapter members volunteer to assist in the annual Memorial Day decoration of veterans’ graves at Huntsville Memory Gardens.
Knoxville Chapter
Laura Barron
Conducted Communication Style classes at Restoration House which provides housing and mentoring for single moms; serves on the Pellissippi Business Advisory Committee including conducted Interviewing Workshops for students beginning job search; conducted training programs for UT Human Resources Management students and also Pellissippi State Management students; serves on the board of directors for a small local charity, 501c3, Holy Paths; serves on her church cooking team for one evening meal per quarter for Family Promise.
Nancy Griffith
Assists the elderly with insurance questions at the Office of Aging.
Sylvia Whitehouse
Delivers meals to the elderly through Knox County mobile meals. “The clients appreciate getting hot meals and often make my day much better”.
Donna Gray
Along with others in the Knoxville Sewing Guild, made clothing protectors and Walker caddies that were donated to Ben Atchley Veterans Home; made mammosite aprons for breast cancer survivors and also made breast-cancer pillows for patients following breast cancer surgery.