TVA’s 90th Anniversary Celebrations Continue 
By Jo Anne Lavender, TVARA Valleywide President
From September 2023, TVARANews

TVA and TVARA are continuing to celebrate TVA’s 90th Anniversary this year.

 In this edition of TVARA News are photos of some of the many service projects TVARA chapters did in May to celebrate the May 18 TVA birthday. Thanks to all who participated!

Since May, many additional service projects have been initiated by our chapters and generously funded by Bicentennial Volunteers Inc. We are very proud of the contributions of our chapters to their communities.

 You will also see an article in this edition about TVA’s Pat Ezzell and Ashley Walker, who are making a major road trip throughout the Tennessee Valley to highlight TVA facilities, activities, and employees. You can follow these adventures on and TVA’s social media.

 To acknowledge the contributions of retirees in the long-term success of TVA, TVA’s President/Chief Executive Officer, Jeff Lyash, is having a TVA 90th Anniversary Medallion sent to each TVARA member.

These medallions are beautiful and are shown here. They have been in the process of being sent out. Most TVARA members should already have received their medallion.*

 There are so many informative and interesting articles in this edition of TVARA News, from information  about TVA projects to retiree medical information, the status of the Retirement System, another fun-and-fact-filled travel article, autumn events to attend in the Valley, chapter meetings, BVI’s new website, changes in TVARA staff, and CEO Lyash’s speaking to Congress about advanced nuclear power and how TVA is promoting economic growth in the Valley.

I encourage you to get involved with your chapter — visit with your fellow retirees, attend meetings, participate in service projects. Attend the TVA Retiree Appreciation Luncheon on Sept. 13 at the Chattanooga Convention Center if you can. It is a wonderful time of visiting with other retirees, seeing exhibits, and hearing from TVA’s executives.

 Have a great autumn!

*Unfortunately, some post offices have added additional postage to the medallion. If that happened or happens to you, please Return to Sender, and TVA will return it to you with the additional postage. If you have already paid the extra postage and want to be reimbursed, send an email to Terri Welty at